
This page is mostly for self-use. Codes are available upon request. If you see some of your code, please feel free to contact me to credit you appropriately.

Code for research projects

  • Python snippet to load WRDS data into pandas DataFrame

  • Python snippet to load data from the FRED API to pandas DataFrame

  • Python snippet to load data from the BEA API to pandas DataFrame

  • Decently fast financial beta computation in native Python

  • The Zero-Beta Rate (2023): replication code in Python for portfolio construction and GMM estimation, available upon approval from the authors

  • Code for the computation of maximin priors and minimax rules using Kempthorne (1987) and Chamberlain (2000)

Useful datasource

  • Macro/Finance: WRDS, FRED, BEA

Useful bits of code

  • Unix shell
pg=$(djvused -e 'n' $f)
for i in $(seq 1 $pg)
    djvu2hocr -p $i $f | sed 's/ocrx/ocr/g' > `printf "pg%04d.html" $i`
    ddjvu -format=tiff -page=$i $f `printf "pg%04d.tiff" $i`
pdfbeads -o ${f/djvu/pdf}
for i in *.jpg; do
  convert $i -quality 30 $i.pdf

pdfunite $(ls -v *.pdf) output.pdf;
pdftk {1..20}.pdf cat output out.pdf
wget -r -A "*.pdf" "https://example.html"